A Christmas Dusting…


Just so we’re all clear, I think you should all know where the priority of CLog updates lie.  It’s somewhere below freezing pipes, Char Bar Long Island Iced Teas, going to OSU basketball games, watering the tree, practicing for Christmas party sing-a-longs, and Jack’n’Gingers at the Beck.  It does however rank above getting the car washed, ironing, unwrapping presents, and shaving (to name a few).

As of late, our nation’s sports teams have been ravaged by controversies.  I won’t even start with the latest on the Buckeyes because it’s kind of ludicrous how the NCAA can say “financially benefiting from your status as a student athlete is wrong.  But we’ll wait to do something about it until after we cash in from your BCS bowl game” so we’ll go straight to what was sidelinegate.

Now I know it’s the Christian thing to do, especially given the season, would be to turn the other cheek but when I saw Nolan Carroll of the Miami Dolphins get tripped up while gunning down the sidelines on a punt, you know what my first thought was?

If you said “Ha!  Look – that coach stuck his thigh out, barely hit him, he tumbled IN PADS, and is now being helped off the field,” you were right.

Do you have any idea how old it gets hearing about soccer players being wimps because they flop and fake injuries?  Ok, granted, there are flops but when you’re running at full speed and somebody hits you, even slightly, you tend to fall.  And sometimes it can hurt.  Not hearing anyone make this connection in the media I think is an absolute shame.  It’s been weeks and they’re still talking about the legalities of lining up toe-to-toe on the sidelines.  Ugh.

So here’s your warning: whenever Uncle Ed or anybody else starts talking about what a bunch of pansies soccer players are, you can expect to see me showing this video.

You have no idea how much better I feel having muddled through that.

And speaking of comeuppance (yes, i had to spellcheck that), think what you want about Julian Assange and Wikileaks (I heard the CIA named the group looking into the issue the Wikileaks Task Force (yes, WTF)) but once again, you gotta play by the same rules.  Here’s a great story about Mr. Assange getting ticked at the media for “leaking” private details about his allegations in Sweden.  Oh the NCAA-like irony…

Two more things (and if you’ve gotten this far, you obviously need a Christmas distraction, so here you go):

  1. Christmas has changed over the years.  There’s no denying it (more on this after Xmas…)
  2. “Must Be Santa” by Bob Dylan.  Because everyone needs a polka-style Christmas song.  Trust me, it’s absolutely worth watching.  And yes family, I have this version ready on the guitar for us tomorrow night =]


4 Responses to “A Christmas Dusting…”

  1. Jeff Says:

    Did anyone use the tickets last night? They looked really good again.

  2. And a Happy New Year… « The Captaineers' Log Says:

    […] The Captaineers' Log And then there were two… « A Christmas Dusting… […]

  3. Hooray Soccer! « The Captaineers' Log Says:

    […] “I practice with a soccer ball before all my games” he paraphrasingly said.  That’s nice.  When it came time for drills it showed that he hadn’t played since 10th grade.  The poor guy couldn’t even score on the equipment manager who was playing goalie.  From 10 yards out.  And when he had to run for more than 5 seconds, he was visibly gassed.  Yeesh.  Sorry Uncle Ed, I’m still committed that soccer isn’t for pansies. […]

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